16 October 2012

Good news! Ótimas notícias!

Dear friends,

We are so happy to share some very good news with you. Nampa, one of the Namibian girls supported by you, received an all-expenses paid scholarship into an English-language scholarship programme to study medicine in Nantong, China. It is a six-year programme, with the last year of practical to be taken in an English speaking country (probably Namibia). It is funded by a foundation established by Chinese businesses in Namibia. This is the third year the foundation sponsors a group of Namibian students to go to Nantong. Nampa went together with 5 other students. She departed today from Namibia. Over the last weeks we were in touch with Nampa daily sorting out her travel arrangements.

We would like to thank you for your support with Nampa's education expenses in the past years, and I hope you share our excitement about a very positive
result for this support. You have helped a young Namibian woman to realise her dream of making a difference for her country and her people.

Best wishes,
Michael and Clarisse.


Queridos amigos,

É com muita felicidade que gostaríamos de compartilhar uma ótima notícia com vocês. Nampa, uma das namibianas apoiadas por vocês nos últimos anos, ganhou uma bolsa de estudos com tudo pago para estudar medicina em uma universidade de língua inglesa em Nantong, na China. É um programa de seis anos, com o último ano de prática para ser feito em um país de língua inglesa (provavelmente Namíbia). O programa de bolsas, em seu terceiro ano consecutivo, é financiado por uma fundação chinesa que atua na Namíbia. Nampa foi junto com outros cinco estudantes. Ela partiu hoje cedo da Namíbia. Durante as últimas semanas estivemos em contato diário com ela ajudando nos preparativos para sua viagem.

Nós gostaríamos de lhes agradecer pelo apoio dado até hoje financiando os custos para educação da Nampa. Acima de tudo, esperamos que compartilhem do nosso entusiasmo com este resultado tão positivo. Você ajudou uma jovem namibiana a realizar seu sonho de fazer a diferença para seu país e seu povo.

Michael e Clarisse.

Michael, Nampa and Kornelia during his last visit to Namibia in August.
Michael, Nampa e Kornelia durante sua última viagem à Namíbia em agosto.

09 April 2012


Thanks to everyone who have been funding the girls since 2009--

André Salgado
Angie Larenas
Bárbara Nunes
Beatriz Fernandes Caldas
Carolina Cunha Ribeiro
Cora Peterson
Cristiano Prado Martins Barbosa
Elenor Rayner
Eric Alexander Klug
Fiona Negrin
Flávia Lino
Fraser Brindley
Floriza Gennari
Gisele Netto
Heloisa Fernandes Caldas Ribeiro
Jeff Cooper
Jim Schnookal
Joy Linke
Julie Parent
Kulja Coulston
Maria Sant'Anna Marquez
Mariana Barcinski
Olivia Appleby
Pat and Brenda Montani
Peter and Sara Omura
Robyn Banner
Ross Hopkins
Simon and Kirsten Wakefield
Sue and Stuart Blizzard
Susan Betts
Tatiana Oliveira Leiner


Update: Nampa and Kornelia 8 April 2012

In the summer of 2006, we met two girls in a northern Namibian village, Nampa and Kornelia. They had been selected by one of our partners to receive bicycles on the basis of both their academic performance at nearby village schools, and because of their status as orphans.

The girls’ commitment to their studies, in the face of adversities we could only imagine, really left a mark on us. We stayed in touch after meeting them, and a couple of years later decided that if we could help them with their studies, we would. A little research into the options and it soon became obvious that we wo

This is the fourth year of financial support, and we’re convinced that all the hard work is paying off. The girls are young women now, and making their own big decisions about their futures. Nampa is in the second year of a microbiology degree at the University of Namibia. While her dream is still to study medicine, she is working to get the marks she needs to make the progression.uld need help to give them this support, and together with you—our friends and family—we were able to bring them to a highly regarded school in the capital, Windhoek.

Kornelia is now in grade 12, the final year of high school in Namibia. Kornelia’s academic performance last year was brilliant, topping her class in a number of subjects, and we’re confident she’ll do well and progress to university. Kornelia wanted to study nursing when we first met her, but now this is only one of the options she’s considering—performing well in maths has opened the door to many other possibilities.

Thank-you for your ongoing support, it really means a lot to us, and to the girls. With your help we’ve raised $4,300 for the year, or 78% of our fundraising target, and while there are still some expenses to cover, the year is off to a great start.

It seems appropriate that six years since they first received bicycles, we were recently able to deliver bikes to the girls, again to help them with transport to and from their places of study, albeit in a very different environment to when we first met them—Nampa in 2006 (with Clarisse) and now.

The girls saying goodbye to Julia and Nicholas. Although we’re now far away, Michael still visits Namibia three times per year, and caught up with them in March

Ao investir numa menina... você investe numa comunidade inteira


Ano entra, ano sai, e cá estamos nós novamente passando o pires pelas

nossas meninas. Sim, as mesmas Nampa e Kornelia, nossas queridas

namibianas. Estamos entrando em nosso quarto ano de suporte

educacional para ambas.

Durante estes 3 anos com elas, passamos por altos e baixos. Em alguns

momentos precisamos ser duros, noutros amigos. Acima de tudo,

continuamos acreditando. A mesma crença que um dia nossos pais,

familiares, amigos, professores, supervisores tiveram em nós.

Nampa hoje está com 19 anos, começando o segundo ano na Universidade

da Namíbia, uma menina brilhante e dedicada. Kornelia, com 17, começa

agora seu último ano no colégio, e em outubro passará pelos temidos

exames para entrar na UNAM. Este ano que passou, Kornelia - antes uma

menina tímida, insegura e com pouca perspectiva - ganhou diversos

prêmios de desempenho em seu ano em matemática, biologia, francês e


Nos orgulhamos muito das conquistas delas, e por isso gostaríamos que

nos ajudassem nesta empreitada.

Precisamos de um total de R$ 12.500 para o ano de 2012, para cobrir

todos os custos além da bolsa de estudos de cada uma (acomodação,

alimentação, transporte, livros, material, uniformes, etc).

Cada contiribuição é valiosa, não importa o valor. Se você quiser

contribuir, a forma mais fácil é pagar por cartão de crédito (Visa,

Mastercard ou American Express) pelo sistema que recebemos recursos

para a BEN Namibia, por meio desta página


Esta é a forma que recebemos diversas doações para a BEN, e podemos

utilizar para receber recursos para as meninas. É bastante seguro e

não pagamos taxa administrativa. Por favor me avise caso você faça a

doação desta forma, para que possamos acompanhar.

A segunda possibilidade é fazer uma transferência para minha conta

Itaú no Brasil. Caso você tenha interesse em fazer desta forma, me

avise para que eu passe meus dados bancários.

Muito obrigada a todos que participaram até hoje e aos que se

interessarem em entrar neste barco conosco.

E tenha certeza de uma coisa: investir em meninas tem um efeito

espiral tão incrível, que é como investir em comunidades inteiras.

Um grande abraço,

Clarisse e Michael

Help us support Namibian girls' education

Hi all,

Happy new year! I hope you have a wonderful 2011.

Since 2009 you, Michael and I have been supporting 2 Namibian girls, Nampa and Kornelia, to access quality education. They are from a village in northern Namibia where they live with their grandmothers (they are both orphans). In 2009, we brought them to Windhoek to attend Combretum School, where we manage to secure a scholarship for each one. Between 2008 and 2009 we raised US$8,000 with family and friends from Australia and Brazil, and an Austrian trust (Onghalo) to make that happen. We first imagined these funds would cover only 1 year, but since the school provided them with accommodation, we manage to cover 2 years of living expenses for both girls. That included books, school material, uniforms, pocket money, a French course, glasses, health care, computer, transport, etc. 2009 and 2010 were busy years for all of us.

We are now starting a new phase. In 2011, Kornelia will be in grade 11. Nampa finished her grade 12 studies with great marks and awards. She is now enrolling in the Medical School at University of Namibia--she will be doing a science degree with a view to transferring to medicine. She got a school loan from the Ministry of Education, and it will cover her tuition fees and accommodation costs. We are really proud of their efforts and dedication.

For us to be able to maintain our support, we would like to ask again for our friends help. For 2011, we need a total of US$ 4,500 to support the girls in Windhoek.

If you are interested, any help will be good!

We are now able to accept donations through BEN Namibia's online donation service (via credit card), which gives you a tax benefit in US:


Alternatively you can make a deposit in our bank account – we use this account exclusively to manage the girls' fund.

Bank: Nedbank Namibia

Branch: 461609 - Main Branch

Account number: 12000668174

Name: Clarisse Cunha Linke

Address: Franz Indongo St, Windhoek - Namibia

Code for overseas transfer: NEDSNANX

Let us know if you donate via any of the means above, so we can keep track.

Thanks so much to everybody who helped us so far!

All the best,

Michael and Clarisse